Logo Katarina Witt Foundation

To apply for a grant

Before you start

The Katarina Witt Foundation can only provide grants for aid projects that meet the following requirements:

  • The application must be on behalf of a project that is consistent with one of the three main goals of the Foundation: promoting the physical mobility of children and adolescents with disabilities, medical care, and disaster relief.
  • The application must be submitted by a non-profit organization (please include a copy of the taxing authorities’ exemption certificate), and must include the name of the person who is responsible for the project and who will organize, implement, and monitor the project, and document it appropriately upon its conclusion. Unfortunately, we cannot consider applications from private individuals.

Apply for a Grant

You can apply for a grant here (german version only).

When and how will a decision be made

The Katarina Witt Foundation provides grants, it does not have operations or employee. If you are interested in applying for a grant, please make sure to observe the guidelines provided above. No projects will be funded unless the application has submitted together with a project partner such as a non-profit organization – perhaps an organization in your local area. The Katarina Witt Foundation does not provide any funds directly to private individuals. Applications are reviewed at meetings of the Board of Directors, which consists of Katarina Witt, Chairperson, Jens Genge and Tobias Geissner. The Board of Directors meets at regular intervals.
